Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Shopping Done

As I've said before, I did all my Christmas shopping on line. It went very well and I was able to get free shipping on everything. I have to tell everyone that through Amazon I found a company that puts priority of customer service. In Demand Toys is wonderful. I was concerned that the toy James wants might not be here in time for Santa. I sent an email - through Amazon - asking when the toy would ship. Amazon forwarded my email to In Demand Toys and guess what happened next. The owner of the company called me directly - YES called me to let me know that the toy would be here today or tomorrow. He also said that he was sorry that I'd been concerned. I also commented that I'd noticed some companies on the Internet were raising their prices because this toy is in very short demand. He said that he'd noticed that but that their policy was to not price gouge but rather to concentrate on customers satisfaction because it pays better in the long run. Anyway the toy was delivered today. I will order directly from In Demand Toys in the future.

Enough of my commercial. I might add that I'd never heard of this company before this.

It's cold here - not as cold as most of the country but cold. I'm going to bed early and 'nuggle down with my pillow. Tomorrow promises to be another busy day. I hope everyone has a wonderful evening and a peaceful night of sleep.


HappyK said...

Wow, what great customer service. You don't see that much now a days.
I'm not doing any decorating this year for Christmas this year because we won't be around.
We are going on a 12 day Caribbean Cruise (first one) . Kind of a like a second honeymoon. :-) Thanks my friend for your kind words.

Jamie said...

That is awesome service. I have not heard of that company, either. I will have to check them out. I have been a bit out of the toy loop for years, but now? Right back in. I HAD to go into toys r us yesterday, it was hell..pure hell. So, an online toy store that is helpful will be something I need in the future. Thanks good friend! Hugs, and have a happy day.