Tuesday, June 22, 2010

An Uneventful Life

Last post = June 3. Hmmmm - what has happened since June 3?

1. Kitty has her first grey whisker.

2. James and Jesse are growing like weeds.

3. Both Harry and I talked to our youngest grandson, Maverick. He called to tell Harry "Happy Father's Day" He was coloring a picture "Booo" and Red. When I asked if it was a pretty picture he held the phone over the picture for me to see.

4. We have had lots of rain and now it has gotten HOT. Temp is 97 with high humidity and not a leaf is moving. We are at dead calm - no breeze. Even the birds are panting.

5. We still have chipmunks. Cute little fuzzy creatures but I wish they lived somewhere else.

6. Still no vacation plans. We did, however, spend the weekend in Knoxville, Tn, at a reefers sale and swap. You do understand that our reefs are coral reefs?

7. I have another biopsy tomorrow. This one is just a precautionary measure. We don't expect much more than an 'owie' that will heal in a couple of days.

I wish I had something exciting and fun to write about but I don't. On the other hand, I'm glad I don't have anything bad to write about either. It's time for me to quit rambling and move along. Tomorrow is a busy day.


Jamie said...

How is your "owie" today? I love reading about your so-called boring life, because it means that only GOOD things are happening. Hugs, friend. :)

Tee said...

I'm surprised your cat allows those chipmunks to survive. My beloved Oscar kept the rabbits and chipmunks thinned and probably the snakes, because now we are over run with rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels and we have seen two big snakes this year. I really miss my sweet Oscar. Being without an animal has allowed us to take three nice trips since April. We went to TN last week and I didn't want to come home, that is a first for me! I told my Hubby last week we could take a grand tour of all the places in the USA we want to see, come home and adopt a couple cats. He just smiled.

Will be praying for a good report on the biopsy.

SOUL said...

keep me posted on the uneventful happenins of the biopsy eh? i'm sure it'll be fine. you're too mean for anything else :)) or so i've heard.

just came by to spread happy anniverary wishes to you and harry !!!!

wooooot - woooot !!!

it's a big ole party over heah -- haha , not. i'm goin ta bed .. to watch a dvd, and fall asleep -- all by myself :)) happy anniversary to the souls AND the reefers :))

g'night - LBF