Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sunshine and Bird's Songs

We will have a new grandbaby to hold on Tuesday, 29 April. We already love him and will be so happy to meet him in person. Sarah is, once again, on bed rest and waiting. The situation calls for a C-section because of the baby's size.

Joe's leg has healed up nicely and the doctor released him. His new job begins next Monday. It's a good move for him and certainly the pay is better. Joe, we're proud of you.

Not much else news worthy here. I keep making slow progress towards a couple of goals. Sometimes I get discouraged but am determined to keep on keeping on.

I'm thawing chicken breast for dinner. How does chicken and rice sound? Maybe with a few more ingredients and maybe another dish?

Have a good day, friends. I gotta get off my duff and make a move towards accomplishing another small step towards my goal.


C.A. said...

Mary I am SO happy to hear that great news about the baby AND about Joe. :) Tuesday is going to be a BIG day for you!


Cindi Ann

Happyone said...

Your new grandson will be here in no time now. What a happy day Tuesday will be!! :-)

Brad said...

Wow ! that's only 6 more days!

Very exciting. Hope your planning on posting pics. Have a good day love -

SOUL said...

y'all gotta name that baby SOUL ! LOL
that's MY birthday :))

sorry i'm so far behind around here-- i'm tryin to play catch up-- hope things are well around there-- sounds like it--

happy new baby time !! :))

have a good night--

Summer said...

Thanks for stopping by tonight. I don't know what's wrong with me lately. I just can't get it together. Chicken and rice sounds great. Like my Aint Anna said, "Anything I don't have to cook tastes good to me."

Congratulations on the new baby. A new life is such a blessing.

bonnie said...

Wow, I'm so excited for you. Only six days left to go! You know what I find to be lots of fun: go to google search and type in recipes: chicken and rice. You'll get a lot of ideas, most are simple.