Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wind and Rain
Nothing new here tody. Same old, same old. I'll post again tomorrow but for now I'm closing down the computer and finding a comfy place to listen to the wind and rain.
Hope everyone has a good night.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Making Lists
I've enjoyed the day and am ready to rest. I'm going to grab a book, make myself comfortable, and try to settle into a good night of sleep and happy dreams. Good night.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
How did I get so many fabric samples? After I retired I had an insane moment when I decided to return to school. My chosen course of study was Interior Design. There were mega projects in that course. Story boards, sample boards, and scale drawings to name some things that were part of each and every one of those projects. I never liked school when I had to go and this course was no different. The engineering courses and financial courses that were mandatory for my career could be forgiven for making me miserable. Interior Design did not fit that mold so I quit! Now I have all this "stuff" to sort and either use or pass along. Yep, that's right, I'm a dropout!
Now that I've admitted my lazy streak I believe I'll call it a day . . err . . night.
Monday, January 28, 2008
I always try to think of something interesting or different to post to my blog. Usually all I can think of is the current day's events. That translates to nothing exciting or different. For me, that's fine. For my readers - not so. It gets boring, I'm sure. This evening is different. Reading The Captain's blog (posted on Sunday evening) gave me an idea for this evening's post. Has anyone wondered how I came up with "Pathways" as the name for my blog? Being a little self centered, I'm going to assume the answer to that question is, "Yes."
In the summer of 1983, I was on a three week work related trip to Chambersburg, PA. The weeks were full but weekends were long and needed to be filled with something other than gathering data, running regression analysis, watching television re-runs, and other dry boring stuff. On the first weekend I decided to drive to Gettysburg. I had been there a couple of times on previous trips but had pretty much just driven through while looking at the memorials – mostly from a distance. On this particular Saturday the sun was bright and the grass, which had been mown a couple of days earlier, was curing. The fragrance of new mown hay was all around. I had the whole day with nothing rushing me so I decided to walk around the battlefield. My walk took me to Devil’s Den. Devil’s Den is a hill covered with large boulders. It stands out in the landscape. I thought it would be a good place to find a comfortable seat (on one of the boulders) to rest a while. Following a winding pathway that led towards the higher part of the rise, I found a shady place with what appeared to be a stack-rock fence about 3 or 4 feet long between two boulders. It looked comfortable so I decided to sit and rest for a while. The day had been pleasant but as I sat there I began to feel a heavy, sad mood starting to build. This caused me to decide to call it a day and return to my hotel room in Chambersburg. I was about half way down the path when I stopped, looked back and took a picture of the pathway from that vantage point. Before leaving the area I stopped to eat at a little inn and picked up some literature about the Battlefield to read while waiting. Imagine how I felt when I saw a picture of my little stacked rock fence with a note saying that it is believed that the youngest soldier in the Battle of Gettysburg died there. I have always remembered that pathway in vivid detail.
No, there were no unexplained orbs or strange images on the picture when it was developed. It was no more and no less than a beautiful picture. I attach no supernatural significance to the day. What I did bring away from that day was the realization that, no matter the horrors of a particular time or place, peace and beauty can return. If anyone is interested in reading a bit about Devil's Den and the surrounding area click here.
Correction - My Bad
Sarah's Mother and Father are wonderful people. They are retired and free to travel with no encumbrances. It's always interesting to visit with them and I'm glad they are going to be close enough to experience the new grandson's arrival.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Another Week Begins
Next week is Super Bowl Sunday. I don't get excited about the game but do not want to miss a one of the commercials. I hope they are as good this year as they've been in the past. You are correct, I'm a sucker for silly or catchy ads. I hope everyone comes and we make a party out of it but I won't tell the children that. If they want to watch with their friends it will be OK. Harry and I will watch, giggle, and maybe if I behave myself he might even hold my hand.
For now, I wish you a good night's sleep to set the stage for a happy and fulfilling week. Thanks for visiting.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Peace - Sweet Peace
The boys and I had a make-up play session today. It was so much fun to have playmates. We played cars, worked a puzzle, watched the fish in the reef tanks, and used the "see-big" (magnifying glass) to look at tiny starfish (we counted 7 in one tank and 11 in the other). We talked about their music classes - both have just been promoted to "bigger books" and they both wanted to tell all. I didn't miss a word. We had a snack and watched "Jacks Big Music Show" on Noggin (TV). The boys each played a computer game from Noggin. Then Papa and I took them home because they wanted to help Mommy roll the meatballs. They had homemade spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Papa and I went to Outback for prime rib. Yep!! Today was a winner!!
Harry and I watched "Pretty Woman" tonight. I can't count the times I've seen that movie and I always tear up when the couple is parting. I'm a softie. Harry is sweet to watch girlie movies with me and not complain or make fun. I'm not as nice to him. He likes to watch the History Channel when they are showing films of war and I just can't watch them with him. I either read or surf the computer.
Remember the gift certificate Harry gave me for Christmas . . the one that is good for a trip to the beach all expenses paid. It's for anytime I want to go, to anywhere I want to go, and for as long as I want to stay. Was that dangerous, or what? I've been thinking of cashing it in. I just have to find an opening in our schedule. If that proves impossible, I'll cancel a few things. My play-days with the boys are sacred, though, they won't get cancelled. You would think that two old retired people would have plenty of free time on their hands but we don't. Should you see two ratty old farts shuffling along at a furious pace it's probably us on our way to have a good time.
Again, thank you to everyone for your comments and understanding. My best to everyone. Have a good night.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Please, Lord, Calm My Nerves
What would you do if someone came to your house with a 2 year old in a soiled (really, really soiled) diaper. What would you say to a Mommy who didn't change the diaper but sat down to feed a new baby (who was sleeping peacefully) and told the 2 year old to go play with the children? What would you think if the 2 year old told her Mommy that she was "dirty" and Mommy said, "I'm busy right now."? After one hour and 45 minutes when my oldest grandson came to me and said that something smelled really bad, I told the mother that she needed to change the child. It took about 15 minutes but she finally did. (At some point in all this I asked the woman if she needed a clean diaper. I have a few left over. She said she had plenty.)
How would you feel if this Mommy told you that your grandsons would never be intelligent because they are being sent to public school? According to this woman only home schooled children are intelligent and those in public schools are ignorant. My oldest grandson asked me if he is ignorant and does that mean the same as stupid. I told him that he was most certainly neither ignorant nor stupid.
How would you react if the woman's 8 year old son, who was also visiting, ignored you when you asked him not to dismantle the Lego house and boat that my grandsons worked a long time to build and were saving to show to their aunt. He looked straight at me and dropped both pieces on the floor. Mommy did one of those "Now son, be good" things and said to me "Boys will be boys, won't they?" I restrained myself - I wanted to run and scream.
God does hear prayers and after over 2 and a half hours of silent prayer and forced smiles (by me) the family was leaving with the corals daddy came to get from Harry. Those children weren't easy to capture and get out of the house.
After the mob left my youngest son told me he was going to the bathroom and off he went to the boys bathroom. In just a minute he came back and said, "Nana, you need to come with me. I need to pee pee really bad and I can't." I was alarmed because he usually goes by himself and is upset if anyone thinks he needs help. Remember, I told you that the woman finally changed her 2 year old after I told her in a stern voice that she needed to do so? Well, she did AND she left a soiled smelly diaper laying open on the bathroom floor in front of the commode, dirty wipes on the floor beside the diaper, and feces on the cold water tap in the lav. I took my grandson to our bathroom. By the time I cleaned the smelly mess in the boys bathroom I was fit to be tied. (In other words - mad as a hornet!!!)
Folks, my day has been enough to make the preacher cuss - not curse - cuss! (Cuss sounds more appropriate, doesn't it?)
Harry has apologized more than one time but it isn't his fault. How could either of us know these people have different standards than we do? Harry took me out to eat at a restaurant not too far from the house so dinner wasn't an issue. None of this is Harry's fault but I feel cheated and I'm having a near encounter with a migraine.
I promise to be in a better mood when I post next time. I hope this post doesn't scare you away. Please come back when you have time.
A Cold, Gray Friday
I wrote a post last evening but I deleted it. Sometimes I get carried away on an asinine tangent. Last evening was one of those "sometimes." Glad I came to my senses in time. My problem is that I just can't seem to make as much progress in getting the excess stuff out of the house as I'd like. My goal is looking 'iffy' and, in my world, goals are meant to be kept. Enough! Let's file that subject away.
I'm thinking that these blah days before spring would be a good time to have a real make-over. I'm having maintenance done on my hair tomorrow but that doesn't count. Changing my eating habits would probably be a good idea, too. Now why did I have to bring that up? Another subject to drop.
As you can see, I'm not at my best. I think I'll say "Have a good day" and close this for now. I'll be back later when my world looks brighter.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
A Good Read
Diane's blog was introduced to me by Elizabeth at: (Sorry I don't know how to make links the way most of you do.) Elizabeth is also a writer who has sold her first children's' story. We'll certainly be hearing more about her work.
Diane's book,“Flying Over Midnight,” is a much more than a love story. It is a powerful story of a young woman, Elise, who is a wife, mother, and musician. She sees her life as an unending cycle of disappointments and loneliness. Suffering from depression, she accepts professional help offered by Mary Sue, a friend and clinical psychologist. Elise begins a journey to recovery by facing her demons and finding her true self. “Flying Over Midnight” written by Diane Vogel Ferri, is not a fluff novel. It’s a compelling story deserving of a sequel.
You can find Diane's book at Amazon . Visit her blog HERE
I apologize for not knowing how to do the easy, simple links that you ladies do, but it's now my mission to learn. I just bet Harry knows how. "Harry, Can you come here and help me . . . .?"
Monday, January 21, 2008
Plans and Gripes
I need to clear out another closet tomorrow. I hate to say the clothes there are mine, too. I'll take them to the Women and Children's Shelter. They need the clothes and seem to appreciate everything anyone does for them. Their clothes closet is clean and neat.
A couple of years ago when I donated clothes I took them to Salvation Army. I washed, ironed, and folded or put on hangers the clothing I was donating. I thought it would be a burden for them to prepare the clothes for someone to wear. The woman who accepted my clothes just threw them in a pile of dirty, smelly clothes on the concrete floor. The clothes on hangers she jerked off and threw on the pile, too. Never again will I take any donations there. Sorry, I need to get off my soap box.
I'm going to find a warm place to curl up with my blankie and read for a while before going nite-nite.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Coral Pictures
Palawanensis (Don't ask me - I can't pronounce it either.)
Green Millie (The "hair" is feeding tentacles.)
Let me introduce our Serpent Star Fish, Big Red.
If anyone wants to see pictures of our full tanks (225 gal and 190 gal) I'll be glad to re-post them. I didn't post them tonight because I've posted them a couple of times so I think most have seen them.
This is my "rest-up night" so I believe I'll surf a bit, maybe comment, and take advantage of a night to rest and a morning to sleep late. Hope everyone is warm and cozy - it's colder than cold outside.
Reporting In
It is really cold here. OK, I know our weather is nothing to compare with the weather that the Midwest is enjoying. And wind chill is another matter. I'll never forget the January and February that I spent in Rock Island, IL. It was never above freezing (seldom above 5 degrees) and the wind never stopped blowing. I could leave juice and water on my window ledge INSIDE with the drapes closed and it would freeze. (I was staying in a hotel.) Snow was even with the top of my knee-high boots. I don't remember exactly how low the wind chill registered but it was the deep minus readings. The Mississippi froze in big chunks and all the natives seemed to see nothing unusual about all this. I was not warm for the whole time I was there. My sincere sympathy goes to those of you who live through this extreme weather. On the other hand, here in the south we have heat and humidity that's unbelievable in summer. Always something to complain about. Human nature is well served.
I have to get plans underway for our gathering today. Will post a few pictures of the corals we took to the swap/sale this evening or tomorrow morning.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Busy Weekend Ahead
The grandsons will be here after lunch so I'll have playmates for awhile. The oldest has music from 3:45 until 4:30 today. He's really gotten interested in learning since he found it's possible for him to play simple melodies. The younger was promoted to a more advanced class last week. His lesson is on Thursday. Yesterday was his first lesson with the "play real songs" class.
Both boys really enjoy playing the piano and are ready to practice without reminders. I hope they inherited the musical ability that several of my family have. Time will tell. Whatever happens these classes/lessons are valuable.
This evening Harry and I will be packing the small live corals to take to Nashville on Saturday morning. (Which explains why snow will not be our friend tomorrow.) This isn't an overnight stay. Tomorrow will be a long day. We'll share the driving so there will be nap time if needed. I intend to take my camera; maybe I'll get some good pictures.
It's time for me to get up and clear the deck for a busy couple of days. I probably won't post again until Sunday but I will cruise a bit when I take a break. Make this weekend one of your best ever - don't take no for an answer. Thanks for visiting my blog. All comments are appreciated.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Just Another Day
I haven't done much today except surf through my regular blogs this morning and again just now. No progress on the "Hit List", as I've come to call it. It's slowly shrinking and should be completely blank by July 15, 2020, if all goes well.
Today I have been the victim of an upset stomach. I've slept most of the day away and been really still when not asleep. I did read some and watch a program on Discovery about wolves. Tonight finds me feeling well, but still sleepy. With that pearl of information sent out into blogland, I'm off to beddie-bye. My best to everyone.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
A Little Bit of SNOW
Harry and I took a load (no exaggeration) to the Huntsville Women and Children's Shelter today. It's the first place here in Huntsville that appeared happy to get the donation. The lady in charge of the 'Clothes Closet' (which is a whole room) thanked me more than once and told me that the clothes were a God-send and that they were really needed. I was impressed at how neat and well kept everything was inside the facility. I came away feeling appreciated. Anything I have to donate for women or children will be taken to this facility in the future.
We have several things planned for the rest of the week and over the weekend. (Getting ready for a (coral) frag swap and sale and then attending the function.) Both Harry and I will be pretty tired by the time Monday morning rolls around. After all the activities, while I'm sitting still to catch my breath, I intend to check the weather on the coast. If it's not extreme I plan to smile and flutter my lashes in Harry's direction then ask if we can go watch the Gulf roll in for a couple of days. This is not vacation - it's rest time to prepare for the bleak February and early March days. Vacation is a whole other thing. More on that another time.
It has been a long day. I believe I'll exit, stage-right, just after wishing everyone happiness, comfort, and a long pleasant night.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Long Busy Day
After our ventures in the outside world we packed some corals for shipping. Today's order was sent to Midlothian, VA. Yesterday we shipped to three different customers. It's good that people are beginning to buy propagated coral and let the wild coral grow. More and more people are beginning to grow reef tanks in their homes.
According to our local weather predictions, we should have a bit of rain followed by sleet and snow tomorrow. The ground is warm so I don't believe we'll have an accumulation. It seems we, in north Alabama, talk about ice and snow but it rarely happens. I'm not complaining, I'm bragging. I've seen more than my share of blizzards.
I have nothing interesting to write about this evening and find that I'm just looking for words. My mind is blank. Now that I've admitted it I believe I'll just say, "Good night."
Monday, January 14, 2008
The Well is Dry
The big thing today was to continue doing the sorting out and eliminating 'stuff' - 'stuff' that I had forgotten about. I have four big garbage bags of clothes folded and packed to take to the Women's shelter. I'll add a lot of hanging clothes to the group in the morning and then take the whole thing to the shelter. I hope someone - or several someones - enjoy these things. Most are barely worn and are really good labels. I'm strictly a jeans gal now. No room in my life for suits anymore. I don't think this is ever going to end. I need help!
I tried to think of something amusing or thought provoking to write about this evening, but nothing comes to mind. I think my writing tonight will end just about now. Monday is over so we're one day closer to weekend. Thanks for visiting. I hope your tomorrow is a happy day. Night, night.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Nana's Treat Cabinet
Sarah, our mother-to-be, is really beginning to look like an expectant mommy. She is having a very easy time and absolutely glowing. Buddy is not really hoovering around her all the time, but he is watchful. I love watching them. They will be exceptional parents.
A new week is here and I'm still not caught up with my list. So, what else is new? I'm never caught up. And probably never will be. Ho-hum. That's my attitude.
I hope the new week is kind to everyone and there are no disappointments or hurt to bear. My best to all.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Jack Tales
I hadn't thought of Jack Tales (as defined by my father) in many, many years. It all came back to me as I was reading an article in a magazine that referred to Jack Tales as they applied to my life. As a young person for no good reason I would build up and imagine horrible situations and how they would affect me. "I have to wear that ugly dress to the sock hop after the basketball game. (one of the popular girls) told me she hated that dress. If I have to wear that dress no one will dance with me. I'll look stupid. Everyone will laugh at me and talk about how stupid I look. I'm not going to the sock hop and I'm not going to that dumb basketball game either. . . . " and on and on. I NEVER won in my Jack Tales.
I went to bed fairly early last night and went straight to sleep. Early to bed + Straight to sleep = Awake in the middle of the night. At least that's how it works for me. I woke up in the really, really early hours of morning and lay there trying to trying to go back to sleep. First thing I knew I was telling myself Jack Tales which is a sure way to start a pity party and/or make yourself miserable. My Jack Tale had to do with being on vacation at an unknown farm and telling everyone that I knew how to bridle a horse. In my tale I couldn't catch a horse much less bridle it. Then everyone teased me for forgetting how to manage a horse. (In reality, I was riding horseback almost by the time I was walking.) Now how silly is that - making Jack Tales at my age!!! Maybe I'm just getting into my second childhood.
I might add that I laughed at myself for being so silly as I went to the kitchen for a glass of orange juice. Then it was back to bed and back to sleep. This whole blog came to be because I read that article. I guess my father wasn't the only one who called kids imagined trials Jack Tales.
Have you ever told yourself Jack Tales. If so stop now - if not don't start. It's a silly, demeaning thing to do. Think happy thoughts and have a wonderful evening.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Our Day in a Nutshell
Getting caught in big, wet, loud weather reminds me of - Once upon a time many years ago, in a different lifetime. I believe I was almost 12 years old at the time. My brother and his new wife came to visit for a few days. At that time we had several horses and they wanted to ride on the mountain trails behind our house. I was to be their guide. Well, off we went - me aboard my mustang (my barrel racing steed); brother riding the sorrel with a bad temper (his choice); and new wife was riding my strawberry roan Tennessee Walking horse. We were starting up the mountain trail when I noticed clouds boiling over the mountain and suggested we turn back because storms can be rough up there. New wife-know-it-all told me to go on back to the house she and brother were going on. After a bit of conversation (which didn't go in my favor), I rode back to the stable. Long story made short a wet thunder storm raced across the mountain and two inexperienced riders held on for their lives aboard two running, spooked, high strung horses. Daddy thought it was funny, brother was embarrassed, and new wife was mad as she could be. As for me, I strutted around saying, "I told you so." as only a 12 year old can - and will - do. Mother was cool to the whole event. Her only comment was to ask if anyone would like a hot cup of tea. Life as a young person was sometimes exciting for me.
That's it for this evening. Gonna have a glass of wine, veg out, and enjoy the evening. Glad you could visit. Ya'll come back now.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Makin' Plans?
I'm continuing to work towards cleaning those hard to reach places in the house while hoping to eliminate at least a truck load of stuff. I opened a box that's been stored in the very back of my linen closet for - well, no one knows how long. It was full of yarn, embroidery floss, counted cross stitch canvas/cloth, and various other needle craft supplies. I even found the tapestry that I worked on for a long time. Everything in the box has either been given away or thrown in the trash except for the tapestry. I promised myself to finish it. We'll see.
It's tax time again. The forms were in today's mail. Now that I'm older it seems birthdays and tax time come more and more often. A few years ago I became dissatisfied with the bookkeeping software available so I wrote my own program just for myself. I still use it but I'm sure it would seem "old-school" to young, more experienced computer users. It's written so that I can keep a running total by month and by year. I code tax deductibles so I can make a report (a list really) of tax deductions. I can print it out and give Harry the information. He's the tax guy in this house.
Tomorrow is golf day. Weather permitting we intend to go to a course that's new to us. If the weather rains on our parade, so to speak, we'll have to make new plans. I'd like to do something outside the house because it's predicted to be cold again by Saturday. I'm suffering from fresh air deficiency.
Does anyone have exciting plans for these winter-gray days before spring arrives? I have plans to make plans, but no plans have come to mind. Everyone plan to have a comfortable night and a happy tomorrow. Bye for now.
Pet Rules
Dear Dogs and Cats,
The dishes with the paw prints are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food. Please note, placing a paw print in the middle of my plate of food does not stake a claim for it becoming your food and dish, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the slightest.
The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack. Beating me to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn't help because I fall faster than you can run.
I cannot buy anything bigger than a king sized bed. I am very sorry about this. Do not think I will continue sleeping on the couch to ensure your comfort. Dogs and cats can actually curl up in a ball when they sleep. It is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other stretched out to the fullest extent possible. I also know that sticking tails straight out and having tongues hanging out the other end to maximize space is nothing but sarcasm.
For the last time, there is not a secret exit from the bathroom. If by some miracle I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is not necessary to claw, whine, meow, try to turn the knob or get your paw under the edge and try to pull the door open. I must exit through the same door I entered. Also, I have been using the bathroom for years--canine or feline attendance is not mandatory.
The proper order is kiss me, then go smell the other dog or cat's butt. I cannot stress this enough!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Stormy Night
My blog will be really short this evening. The storms that wrecked a large portion of the mid-west are now in northern Alabama. They have weakened but it's still pretty windy out there and rain is making music on the windows. Kitty's eyes are big and she's walking with caution deciding where to hide tonight. We're under a severe thunderstorm warning and a tornado watch. I think common sense tells me to put my computer to bed even though there is a surge protector. Better safe than sorry.
Hope none of you had damage from these storms as they were traveling cross country on their way to Alabama.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Brown Buster Brown Oxfords
The youngest grandson came to play with me this morning but we played inside. He wanted to play a video game that's on Noggin. The little rascal can 'click around the screen' with the best of them. When I was 4 years old I was still learning to wave bye-bye. I read a little in one my new mags this afternoon and then helped Harry pack corals for shipment to three folks. (One in NC, one in MN, and one in TX) Didn't cook - lots of leftovers to feast on.
I've been playing around in my mind. Trying to find the files in my brain that hold memories. I find that most of the memories I kept are either silly or good. Not too many bad ones were saved. In thinking about my sister, Beatrice, I remember finding a picture of her with a dance partner. She was wearing a dress that was very chic at the time, I'm sure. Apparently the picture was taken during a dance contest of some sort. I was absolutely certain she was a movie star. Little country girl, me, could not imagine having a dress like that much less being allowed to take part in a dance contest. I had to wear those fashionable Buster Brown lace-up oxfords in a lovely shade of brown. She was wearing lady shoes - yes, she must be a movie star. Below is the picture I'm telling you about. Life must have been grand in Beatrice's world back then.
Enough for one night. Hope we all sleep well and pain free tonight. Off to bed - last one in is a rotten egg.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
The Day After the Night Before
Can't Think of a Title - Maybe Next Time
I had a real shock when I began reading the blogs I follow everyday. One of my blog friends received a comment from someone named Mary who was asking very personal questions. (This is the first time I've seen another Mary comment on her blog.) I would NEVER ask those questions in private much less in a public forum. I know that Mary is a very common name and it's very easy for this to happen. I now understand why most bloggers use more unique "call-names." In the next few days I may remedy the above situation by changing my public name from Mary to something else. The blog site title will always be the same - I'm not planning to disappear.
I have contacted my blog friend where the comment was posted to let her know how mortified I was when I saw the questions. All is well that ends well - this is just something that's on my mind at this hour of the morning.
Now, I'm going to get in bed, put my cold feet on Harry's back, try to relax the kink in my git-along and maybe sleep some more. Tomorrow is gathering day.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Cootie Catchers and Rain Sticks
We decided to do the egg carton project another time and I surely was glad - I threw away the egg cartons, too.
It's time for me to quit writing and start reading. I want to know what my blog friends have been up to today.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Brrrrrrr - Winter Arrived
The boys will be here tomorrow and I can't wait. They didn't come last Friday so we have a lot of playing to catch up on. We're going to make rain sticks out of paper towel tubes, kitchen foil, popcorn kernels and tape. If that goes well, we may make caterpillars or snakes out of egg cartons and string. When they were here this past Sunday, they made cootie catchers out of pre-printed patterns. I'm so glad we have another little boy on the way 'cause these two are going to grow up and think Nana's projects are just too silly to do.
I don't know a lot to say tonight. I could ramble on and on but this is not the night for that. I'm tired and my pillow is lonesome. I must go keep it company.
Hope everyone has a restful night and a good day tomorrow. My best to everyone. Thanks for visiting.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
New Years Day - 2008
We would both have slept through the change of year had it not been for someone several houses down the street shooting firecrackers. I would have never heard the firecrackers but the cat did - and she was not amused! I woke up when what felt like a twenty pound of sand hit my back and started trying to tunnel under me. That was one upset cat! She and I 'talked' it over and decided the boom-boom monster couldn't hurt us. We went back to sleep and dreamed happy dreams - at lest I did. Harry slept through the excitement. Bless his heart, a freight train wouldn't wake him if it ran through our bedroom.
Wish I had some words of wisdom to share for the new year but my word reserve seems depleted this morning. I'm just thankful that we are all well and relatively happy in our lives as they are now. I hope all of you feel the same and are looking forward to this fresh new year.
Have another cup of coffee with me and let's be thankful for this day.