Guess who came to visit today. Guess who is growing up too fast. Guess who stopped doing everything to play. Guess who has really weird facial expressions when making sounds like a chirping bird. Guess who is letting color grow off gray hair. Guess who looks like a manatee that's been hit by a boat more than one time. Right! Mav came to play with Nana and Papa while mommy went shopping.

Our whole house looks like this - boxes everywhere. Almost nothing where it should be - total confusion. In a month or two a bit of order may return - or not. The new reef tanks are due for delivery March 21. Has anyone seen my turkey baster? How about the kitchen shears?
I'm outta here. My best to all.
How precious! This is being a grandparent at its very best. Don't you just LOVE it? And yes.... sigh...they DO grow so VERY fast. Enjoy every second.
What a great picture. I wish I had a grandma like you when I was growing up. They're so lucky to have you, and you them. Enjoy and forget the boxes. They'll go away one day.
This photo had me smiling ear to ear, Mary! And what a precious keepsake it will be for little Mav years from now. Yes indeed, all that other stuff can wait, today was a playday and there's no more important job in the world! :-)
Looks like the two of you are having a wonderful time.
I used to watch my oldest two grandkids for a couple hours everyday when they were little. We had such great times together. Now they are 15 and 17. They still talk about some of our adventures together.
I know that delighted look. Boxes schmoxes. Your day meant more than kitchen utensils. You have everything you need right there in that beautiful photo. I understand this.
Making wonderful memories. Those children are named the right name--GRAND children. There is nothing more important than spending time with them.
What a beautiful picture Mary - and she is adorable. She certainly is one lucky litle girl to have YOU for a grandma.
Hugs, friend. :)
Oh Mary, how she's grown and how beautiful she is. I can relate with the boxes and stuff not being where it is suppose to be for sure right now.
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