Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

Happy Birthday to me. My lifetime friend called to wish me "Happy Birthday." Carolyn June, you really made my day with the call. It was so good to hear your voice. My oldest son, Joe, made blueberry/strawberry muffins and added 7 candles. He said each candle represented 3 years - that makes me 21 years old today. Believe me it took more than 21 years for me to grow all these wrinkles. James and Jesse drew pictures and made cards for me (the best kind of cards). This is a picture of the frig magnet that Jesse drew, painted and gave to me.

Keith, Mary and the boys also gave me a stainless steel kitchen can that I've been coveting. That was a big surprise and I absolutely love it. Hey, I'm in the big time now with a step-to-open and slow closing kitchen can. I can now throw away my 15+ year-old kitchen can that is so ugly.

Kitty is doing much better. She's relearning how to do some things and is once again a happy kitty. She spends a lot of time sleeping in her new kitty bed. She seems to want to be where she can see either Harry are me at all times.
I believe most of my regular visitor's are also followers of Soul's blog. She is in the hospital and has been on my mind all day. I hope and pray that she is comfortable and responding to treatment.


Robbin said...

Happy Birthday Mary! I'm a little late in the day but it sounds like you had a great birthday, my favorite is the drawing, it is precious. I love those grandchild drawings, I have bunches. Haleigh and I are penpals now, old fashion letters and we are both enjoying it. Hope you are having a nice relaxing evening.

Cheryl said...

I missed your birthday. Well, I guess there's an hour left. I wish I would have known. I love the card you got, and how happy you are with your new trashcan. They're the kind of thing we just don't replace. I just replaced my silverware trays with new ones, and they look so much better. Anyway, I wish you a wonderful year filled with good health and great family times.

Smocha said...

Happy Birthday Mary! You were 36 right?

Love the drawing and that you got your snazzy trash can. I have one of those too. Love it!

I once asked for a laser level and a sander for my presents. It's all about what we want at the moment. lol

Something weird is going on with this posying feature. hope this works.

Smocha said...

Oh P.S. forgot ...I am sooo thrilled that your kitty has improved!

HappyK said...

Happy Birthday though it's a day late!!
Glad to hear kitty is doing so much better.

Brad said...

Happy belated birthday Mary. Looks & sounds like you made out pretty good. I love all the colors in the picture - quite the artist.

Hope your knees better!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! And this is which anniversary of your 39th birthday? LOL! So glad your kitty is doing better.

Dr. Ethel said...

Happy Birthday,Mary!!

Summer said...

Happy Belated Birthday Mary. I hope it was a happy one. You made me laugh with the trash can. My husband asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I told him a new kitchen faucet. Ha!

Golden To Silver Val said...

I know I'm a bit late...but my wish is still sincere...HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I know it was a great one for you. And the artwork is simply wonderful for one so young...lots of bright colors! Its beautiful!
Its been cold and rainy here too (Michigan). I am not ready to give up warmth and summer. It just seemed so short this year! Well, maybe fall and winter will go just as fast and we can look forward to an early spring and longer summer next year. (one can hope anyway) We frequently have snowstorms in April here so its May before we start to breathe easy. LOL

SOUL said...

well crap-- i obviously missed your birthday--- hope i didn't put a dark cloud on it with my stupid health probs. stick around long enough and you'll get used to it. :))
i think God's just trying to show me something. maybe i should pay closer attention eh?

"seizure not big enough soul?--have another!"--- still not enough?" k then, have a blood clot- WAKEUP WOMAN!"
ok i'm listening.

anyhow-- be happy-- you're 29 forever right?