Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Moving Right Along . . .
Every surface in this house is a mess. I have to face the grocery list and "git 'er done." Gifts are ready to wrap. That will be an easy process this year. I had a cold (just a regular old garden variety, 'notty nose cold) last week and it slowed me down. I'm fine again - time to "move right along . . .
Our Sunday gathering was a bit different the last two weeks. Two Sunday's ago I was running fever so gathering day was cancelled - I didn't want to spread the bug. Last Sunday we gathered earlier than usual because some of the kids had "other" commitments. We really had fun. The boys (big and little) played a form of touch football in the back yard. James had a whistle and was the referee. It wasn't a quiet game so I'm sure the neighbors noticed. Maybe next time they'll join in. I made a big pot roast with veggies and had sponge cake for all who ate "the good stuff." I almost can't wait for Christmas day. It will be so much fun to watch the boys discover the contents of their bags and boxes. I'll try to make pics if I can get Harry's super-duper camera to work for me.
Tomorrow is my hair fixin' day. I haven't had a real hair re-do in almost a year. When I was sick it was just beyond my capability to sit for hair maintenance. I had Mary keep it cut short. It was easy to keep my hair clean but other than that nothing much happened. Tomorrow ends that! Wheeee! Mary has ALWAYS been such a wonderful support for me.
For someone who had a blank mind I've written a lot. Nothing clever - just routine "Life at the House of Two Old Farts." Nana and Papa on their computers, kitty asleep on my desk, the reefs purring, and a quiet life filled with family and friends - our simple needs are fulfilled. So many blessings - we're thankful for each and every one.
Thank you for stopping by and for continuing to be my blogging friends.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Happy Even on A Dreary Day
Tomorrow is wrap gifts day. My "think outside the box" button is turned on. Hmmmm . . now about that wrapping. James and Jesse love to pop bubble wrap - I'm going to wrap their largest gifts with bubble wrap. Jesse likes magic - what do you think of a magician's cape to wrap one of his gifts? James is really excited and can't wait to get a Zhu Zhu and all the "stuff" that goes with it - I don't know yet how I'll wrap it but I'll come up with something. I'm using velum that I printed with Christmas things to wrap small gifts. Blank business cards are good for name tags. Someone may get a huge black garbage bag (filled with packing materiel and a much smaller gift) tied with decorative ribbon at both ends - like an over sized piece of candy. I'm not doing a tree this year so a non-traditional Christmas is in the works. I'm asking someone to read the Christmas Story. One of the boys will ask the blessing - it won't be anything new for them to do so.
I'm getting my strength back. Can you tell? Just this past week I began to feel like my old mean self most of the time. It's been almost exactly a year since I first realized something was not right with my health. The road was long and pretty rocky at times but here I am. I can't tell you how thankful I am for the blessings I've received this year.
Outta here for now. Sunday gathering day to prepare for and enjoy. Love and wishes for happiness to all.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Christmas Shopping Done
Enough of my commercial. I might add that I'd never heard of this company before this.
It's cold here - not as cold as most of the country but cold. I'm going to bed early and 'nuggle down with my pillow. Tomorrow promises to be another busy day. I hope everyone has a wonderful evening and a peaceful night of sleep.
Monday, December 7, 2009
An Evening in the Life of Two Old Farts
Harry and I went out to eat at our favorite Mexican restaurant early this evening. There were at least four new dinner items on the menu. One was Chile Coyote. The dish is a green chile stuffed with beef, raisins, banana, and mango served on mushroom cheese sauce with guacamole salad and a side of rice. I've never seen it on a menu here but it was always a favorite of mine when work took me to El Paso or San Diego. Believe me, the dish that sat in front of me tonight didn't disappoint. I ate like a pig!! Burrrrp - Excuse me!!
Here I sit with my fingers on the keyboard but I can't think of one thing to say. Do I live an exciting life - or what? I'll try again tomorrow. So for now good night one and all.
Friday, December 4, 2009
"Uncle Arthur" Comes to Visit
I don't go anywhere very often so I have nothing to blog about. Everyone is doing well - except Joe, our oldest, is having his first blood pressure issue. The doctor will get it under control and his life will return to normal.
Our weatherman is predicting light snow late tonight and early tomorrow. We may have a few flakes but the ground is too warm for snow to lay. It's 45 degrees out right now and we have yet to have freezing weather. The birds are busy at the feeders - I guess they got the memo regarding bad weather.
I haven't done the first thing to get ready for Christmas. I think it will be a quiet one for us. The kids will be excited and we won't let them down. This weekend we'll talk to them about plans they'd like us to make. It would be so nice if all four of the grandchildren could be here. That would be a REAL Christmas. Are you reading this Buddy and Judy?
Enough of this. Next time I'll try to have something meaningful to blog about. Take care, my friends.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wishing A Wonderful Thanksgiving to Everyone
The Hooper family has many blessings bestowed this year. Buddy and his family are just getting settled in their new home. Judy and her family are celebrating the holidays in their new home. Joe, our single son, is blessed with friends and is settled with his life, Keith and his family are enjoying time together and all the wonders the boys are experiencing. Every one is looking forward to the closeness of the holidays. As for Harry and me, we have the most reason to be thankful this year. We feel close to all our children. Even though we don't see Buddy & family or Judy & family very often they are always in our thoughts and prayers. Harry and I survived the shock of my cancer and the following surgeries. It's all behind us now and we believe in a complete cure and a happy future.
Our Thanksgiving dinner will be on Sunday. Joe is cooking for Harry and me tomorrow and Keith and his family will spend Thanksgiving day with Mary's parents. I'm baking a ham and Mary will help with the side dishes for the Sunday Thanksgiving. The menu isn't as important as sharing the time and concentrating on the positive in our lives.
Can you tell that I'm feeling really humble today? The holidays do that to me.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
My Big Girl Day
While I was waiting (3 hours) I had the chance to people watch. It was an experience that's not for the faint hearted. I didn't see a lot of happy faces but I certainly observed some strange behavior.
A woman with both a computer and a cell phone talked - loud - nonstop while "clicking" her computer without stop. What do I know about this woman? She's "only a heartbeat away from her doctorate." She thinks there are too many kids in special ed - "they (the kids) just need firm discipline." Her partner, who is having shoulder surgery, is very jealous of her intellect and complains all the time. As soon as she gets her doctorate and a good job she's going to move out of his house. (In my opinion, he will be the winner when that happens.)
Woman sitting behind me was snoring and sleep mumbling. She must have had a lively time last evening - she reeked of alcohol. (I moved as soon as a chair was vacant.)
A middle aged woman with blond tousled hair, a large designer bag, jeans rolled up to her calf, 3 inch heels, and a bright red hoodie was having trouble with her lipstick. She wiped it off and reapplied it at least four times.
The only interesting person I saw was a very attractive young lady who had cornrows that extended into several braids. The braids had pheasant feathers woven in and were gathered into an interesting chignon at the nape of her neck. She seemed relaxed and at peace with herself. I would have liked to talk to her but she was too far away.
I feel like I spent the time watching people in a zoo. Do you think that maybe I've been home too long to be allowed in public? I do.
Later, my friends.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
"Sindows Weven"
Yesterday Harry had an appointment that took him away for the house for a little while. Before he left he told me that I needed to be ready to answer the door because FedEx was delivering a package that someone had to sign for. He frequently has aquarium supplies shipped directly here so I saw nothing unusual in that.
FedEx did make a delivery and asked me to sign. I glanced at the receiving screen (on FedEx guy's electronic delivery gizmo) and saw that I was signing for two boxes. Two boxes were delivered - I signed - FedEx guy thanked me and left. I didn't check to see where the boxes were from nor to whom they were addressed. After a couple of hours I noticed that the boxes were from Dell and they were addressed to ME! Yep, Harry bought a new "big girl" computer for me.
The computer that I'd been using had been a real stinker for two or three months and no one seemed to be able to correct the problem. Harry told me that he hated how rough this summer was for me and he wanted to do something special for me. A new computer was that "something." I don't know what I did to deserve this man but I'm really fortunate that he puts up with my whining.
I can't describe the new computer except that it is new, dust free, and scoots along like a charm. We were discussing the computer after Harry drank a couple or three beers to relax for the evening. With a straight face he asked me how I liked the new "Sindows Weven." We both just cracked up. I guess his day was pretty tiring. "Sindows Weven" it will always be to us.
Gotta rest up 'cause tomorrow is a new day. One never knows what might happen next. I want to be ready.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Don't Cry Over Spilled Soup
Feeling that I am ready to take over the world, I made a cherry cobbler. It came out of the oven looking almost decent. Next I began working on a recipe that I've been wanting to make for several weeks. There are several steps to this dish but none are complicated. Without further ado let me ask a question. Does anyone out there know just how far a can of mushroom soup mixed with half a can of hot water can spread when it's dropped? It can cover a kitchen chair (with turned legs), a kitchen table leg (turned leg, too), the side of the refrig, at least half of the newly cleaned floor, and one whole leg of your jeans. I hurried to clean the mess before Harry saw it. I didn't want him to think I couldn't manage dinner. Lucky for me I had more mushroom soup and the dish is now baking. I threw the recipe in the trash. Even if it's wonderful I'll never make it again. What an evening!! Old farts - like me - should never feel spunky.
Other than the above it's been a good day. Take a deep breath, relax and enjoy your evening.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
It's a Big Sunny Day
I'm making plans to re-work/redesign the layout of my coral tank. A couple of reef keepers gifted me with awesome coral frags (coral babies) during my treatment. The frags have been resting on the sand bed (at the bottom of my tank) waiting for me to settle them into permanent 'homes' on my reef. With Harry's help I think that will happen next week. Picture of before and after? I'll try.
Lucky me, I miscalculated the number of weeks I'll have cleaning ladies come to take care of our house. They will be here for a couple more weeks. I bought a package deal and that gave me three more weeks of service than if I just went on a weekly basis. WaaaHoooooo!! I'll certainly miss them but all things must end.
Today I'm going to the grocery for a major buying spree. I have a 20% off coupon for my entire purchase PLUS today is senior citizen day discount of 5%. Both will apply. I know that I'll come home and fall flat on my face but our pantry, freezer, and refrig will be well stocked. The treat cabinet will be in pretty good shape, too. I might add that I'll be flat broke but who cares. It's only $$.
Enough of my ramble. Gotta get goin' if I want to keep the day on track. Thanks for stopping by. See ya later.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
It's Too Late to Think of a Title
Several days (weeks??) ago I received this award from Soul. I am just now able to upload the graphic. Sometimes old farts need remedial training. Anyway, I'm very proud of receiving the award. Thank you bushels and more.I wish I knew something exciting to blog about but, alas, I don't. Nothing ever happens in my world - at least nothing very interesting. The big event in my life this past week was beginning my five years of medication with Arimidex.
The children were here today for gathering day. It was our oldest son's (Joe) birthday. He has reached the age that he prefers not to discuss his age. How old do you think that makes me feel? I must be old as dirt.
Harry brought a new (to us) shopping web site to my attention this morning. I enjoyed window/screen shopping for a while this morning. I thought some of you might like to check it out. It's called The Find. We've never bought from this site (Harry only found it this morning.) but it is interesting.
On that note I have a date with the sandman. I hope he doesn't stand me up tonight. Last night he was a no-show.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Sunshine and Falling Leaves
Yesterday I drove myself to my dental appointment. It certainly seemed strange to be driving. I bet I get over that real soon, don't you agree? Dentist said my teeth were just fine - no damage. That was a relief. All my life I've had a recurring nightmare that my teeth are falling out. Silly, right?
My computer faces a window that looks out at our back yard. The ground is almost covered with brown, yellow and orange leaves. I know that they came from out trees but when I look up at the branches it doesn't look possible that the leaves on the ground came from these trees. We don't rake leaves. Instead we mulch and bag them then put them onto a compost pile. Simple and effective. Yeah, sure! I don't have to do the job so it's easy for me.
I still have burns that aren't healed but on the bright side - my energy seems to be coming back really fast. This morning Harry warned, "Don't wear yourself out today" as he was heading out to do several errands. I'm doing 'sit down' jobs today. Sorting pictures, filing clippings that have piled up, etc. I'm trying to be good.
My best to everyone. Until later . . .
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Too Tired to Think of a Title
Today was PET scan day so we had to go out to the Cancer Care Center which is a different direction from where I went daily for radiation. I couldn't believe how much had changed! A few stores have closed, at least three new buildings are up and occupied, and a couple of interesting stores have opened. I need to go exploring.
Speaking of the PET scan - it was the easiest procedure I had since this whole thing began. Last night I almost made myself sick dreading yet another ordeal but it wasn't like that at all. When we see the medical oncologist next Monday we should get final results. My burns are healing nicely. Not everyone has this much trouble with radiation but my skin just gave up. I had a couple of spots that were third degree burns. They should be completely healed in a week or two.
I'm still trying to upload pics but haven't been successful. Maybe this weekend Joe will have time to rattle Blogger's chain and fix the issue. On this note, I believe it's time for me to follow hubby to bed. I hope to wake up tomorrow morning bright eyed and bushy tailed - ready for a new day.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Just Me
That said, I completed radiation on 20 October. My burns are healing fast and I'm now looking to the PET scan on this Thursday. I should have the results on the following Monday. We're confident the results will be negative for cancer. It's been a trip but now the end is truly in sight.
I'm enjoying watching the leaves turn to brilliant golds, reds, and bronze. The winter welfare birds are arriving. Squirrels have fat cheeks and are hiding their bounty. The dad-gum chipmunks are digging in places I'd rather they didn't dig. We're having more rainy days than sun. No drought here this fall. My house plants are either safely inside or on the screen porch. Life is returning to normal.
I intend to return to regular blogging now that life is on a more even keel. Get ready, friends, here I come.
Monday, October 12, 2009
More of the Same
My Radiation Oncologist put me on a five day treatment "break." The condition of my skin (what is left of it) has deteriorated beyond what's acceptable for further treatment. I'm home with medications to ease the pain and promote healing. As has been the case throughout this ordeal, Harry is assuming household management and nursing care. The kids continue to be supportive of us. Mary is cooking dinner tomorrow night. She is a wonderful cook so it's a meal to look forward to. For dinner this evening Harry made German Apple Pancakes. Wonderful!!
There's really nothing current to write about and strolls down memory lane can get boring for everyone. On that note I believe I'll publish this post, take a pill, kiss Harry goodnight, and spend the next few hours hugging my pillow.
My best to everyone. Thanks for stopping by.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Don't Assume
I'm spending most of my time either in bed or stretched out in front of the TV. In the beginning I read a lot but now I just can't concentrate on a book. That's a first for me. I've learned a lot from watching TV.
1) The History Channel screens many, many "dooms-day" programs. They seem to concentrate on such things as which volcano/earthquake/flood will destroy a large portion - if not all - the world. That's predicting the future in my book.
2) Public Television does have interesting programming - if you don't get tired of the "send us money" routine or if you haven't seen the program several times before.
3) Many - if not all - of the detective shows have gotten graphic beyond the acceptable.
But then I'm an old fart who is buried in health issues at the moment. It makes for negative impressions. I think I'll just crawl back in my hole and be quiet.
Take care and enjoy the colorful all weather - old man winter is on the way.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Can't Think of a title
Fall has finally arrived and I'm ready. We had a long hot sultry summer but at least it wasn't dry. Last night was our first cool night - 56 degrees. I'm not a fan of really cold weather but these cool breezes are wonderful.
I can't think of anything to write. Harry is cooking dinner on the grill and, as usual, I'm just being a lady of leisure. Actually, I'm a spoiled, worthless, old fart. On that note I'm signing off. Have a wonderful evening.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Spoiled Rotten
Rain came to our corner of the world and seems to feel right at home here. There's no sign of it moving along. We haven't had flooding but many have. Northwest Alabama has been hit fairly hard but not nearly so hard as Atlanta. Last summer, after experiencing a few years of drought, I threatened to have all the shrubs replaced with sand and cactus. That would have been a mistake. (I never really intended to replace the shrubs with cactus. It just made a good example of how bad the drought was at the time.)
I didn't have a playmate visit today. Jesse was running a fever this morning and everyone (not me) decided he shouldn't play with Nana today. I talked to his dad a little bit ago and Jesse seems OK now. I always look forward to play time and really miss having the grandsons visit.
Harry continues to pamper me. I'm spoiled rotten. Bless his heart, I know he gets tired of this game but he doesn't complain. Between taking care of me, the tanks, and mowing the yard his days are packed full. The cleaning service helps a lot, though. Did I mention that I'm spoiled? Yep, I surely am.
Well, that about sums up my day. So much excitement that I can hardly stand it. NOT!!! Hope all is well in your world. Take care and be happy.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The Sound of Silence
Harry is in Memphis. He left last evening for a coral reef event and will be home late today. I just didn't feel up to the trip. I have actually enjoyed the sound of silence but it's beginning to become a bit too loud. Silence CAN become loud - at least in my world. Joe will be here in a while and then silence will slip away and things will be normal again.
I wish that I had something to write about but I really don't. My days are all the same. . . up and to radiation (5 days a week), home and a light lunch, nap, eat dinner, watch a bit of TV with Harry, back to bed. That's it. In between the events of my day I read a bit, watch the fish play in our reefs, and read a few blogs. Let's all stand and cheer for the excitement at the Hooper household. Sunday Gatherings are my highlight! They are pretty much the same except I do less cooking.
As for me and my journey along the big C road, I'm doing fine. Keeping a good outlook and looking forward to getting through this and on to better days. I do have burns (from the radiation) that are pretty uncomfortable and certainly yucky. Have you ever heard of "Lindi" gel products? They are absolutely an answer to the worst of the discomfort from radiation burns. Needless to say, I'm learning a lot on this adventure.
It's Saturday, folks. Find something fun to do and enjoy, enjoy!! My best to one and all.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Three Day Weekend
Harry and I are having a quiet weekend at home watching racing and enjoying the kids visits. We stay pretty close to home these days.
Tomorrow Harry will grill pork and chicken for our gathering day and other dishes will happen - my DIL, Mary, is bringing some sides, etc. I'll pickup ice cream and other goodies to make ice cream sundaes for the boys and anyone else who wants one.
I had a wonderful dinner this evening. Harry made stuffed mushrooms as an appetiser and Lobster and Asparagus Coquilles as a main dish. It was a delicious meal and now we're getting ready to watch the NASCAR race. I'm one happy old woman.
No more radiation until Tuesday and plenty of time to chill and/or snooze. I'm lovin' it!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Lost: One Summer
I'm fighting taking a long nap this afternoon in hopes that the lack of a long nap will help me sleep tonight. Sleep is a most fickle friend. Enough of that subject. Boring!
I have to write about something so I guess I'll tell you about today's appointment for radiation. The facility where I go is very prudent in scheduling appointments. The aim is that no one has to wait more than five minutes. Until today I've never waited a full five minutes before the tech comes to take me back. Today when I got there the waiting room was packed! (A machine at another location was 'down' and some of those patients were sent over.) I changed and settled in for the wait. There were two distinct groups of women talking among themselves and (it seemed to me that) each group was trying to talk louder than the other. Individuals in each group were trying to tell a bigger cancer horror tale than the others. In addition two women were complaining loudly that they were going to be late getting back to work and would be in trouble. (I could certainly understand that.) My tech called me back and I told him to take the two women who were worried about their jobs ahead of me and I'd wait as a fill-in since I have no schedule to keep. The caveat was that I be allowed to sit in the little office while waiting. Those women seemed to enjoy misery and terrible things that happened to others. Did I mention that there was one lone man sitting there? He was looking pretty stressed. I'm sure he'd heard about enough of the graphic stories the women were telling. As I left the room I heard him say really loud: "You women think you have problems - what if you were having radiation on your n*ts!" You could have heard a pin drop. All conversation ended.
Ain't life a hoot?
A small town just down the road from Huntsville had its first fatality from Swine Flu yesterday. He was a boy (11 years old). He collapsed in the doctor's office and died. Apparently he had seen the doctor just a few days before and had been improving. Yesterday morning he was worse and returned the doctor. Please be aware that this flu can be dangerous and get medical care at the first sign of flu-like symptoms.
I'm a whole bag full of gloomy stuff. I didn't mean for this post to sound that way. I actually thought the situation at radiation was a hoot! Well, it was really funny after I had treatment and was home. A great situation comedy could be written about that scene.
Treatment is going well. Five down and thirty to go.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Bright and Peaceful
As you can surmise by reading the above paragraph, I'm in a good mood and ready for this day.
I've been processed and ready for radiation to begin on Wednesday. I didn't realize how much prep is necessary for this stage of treatment. I've been marked, taped, had a small tattoo, and a mold made to place me in the same position for each and every treatment. I've been invited to accept a free makeover to give my morale a boost. Not that my morale needs a boost. Harry and I have no hesitation or apprehension about the next seven weeks. It's on with the show. I have a long reading list and intend to spend my down time reading - trips to the downtown library will be my big adventure.
I wish that I had something exciting to write about but I don't. Give us a bit of time we'll try to fix that issue. I haven't forgotten that I'm holding Harry's IOU for a trip. . . . . now let me think . . . . .hmmmmmmmm . . . . . I'll get back to you on that one.
Later, friends. Meantime enjoy every minute. Find many occasions to laugh if only just for the joy of laughing.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Check List and Other Stuff
Surgery Two - Complete
Healing - Complete
Mapping Radiation - Scheduled for 21 August
Radiation - Begins 26 August - Duration 7 Weeks.
So far, so good. I get tired but some of that is caused by cabin fever. Nothing permanent wrong with my health.
OK, that's out of the way. Now on to better subjects.
Both the boys LOVE school. Jesse's word is "Awesome" - James' is "Wonderful" Jessie is fond of recess and James loves eating in the lunch room. All is well on that front.
Jesse came to play after school yesterday and we had a good time. Papa played hide and seek with him. He and I watched a neat movie staring Dustin Hoffman. It was about an old man who ran a magic toy store. I asked about homework but Jesse said that he was waiting for James to get home from music so they could study at the same time. When James came in (after music) he was really upbeat. He played a "hard song" solo and didn't make a mistake. They left with hugs and kisses for Nana and Papa and with happy chatter. They were looking forward to a big dinner of red fish (that's what they call salmon).
One of my long time friends is having her daughter's wedding this Saturday evening. There will be 300+ guests. I told her that we'd try to be there but I think we'll stay home and wait for the video. I don't think I feel up to shaking hands, smiling, and spreading sunshine on a bunch of strangers who don't give a flip about an old worn out woman. I know everyone will be nice and I'd enjoy the event under different circumstances. Getting to be an old hermit, aren't I?
Being an old hermit means that I have very little of interest to share with you so I think that I'll just call it a night and go hug my pillow. (Harry's already asleep or I would hug him.)
Good Night and God Bless
Friday, August 7, 2009
Title? What Title?
We have a new family living across the street. The couple who owned the house moved to a smaller place when their 4 children left home. The house was on the market for several months. I think we will really enjoy having the young family in the neighborhood. They have three children (7, 5, & 3) - two girls and a little boy. Potential playmates.
James was my playmate this afternoon. I wouldn't give up my time with the boys for anything. It won't be long before they are busy with their friends and individual interests. I know they'll always love me but I'll cease to be a viable playmate. Does it make me sad? Yes, a little.
Kitty is "licking-up" for bedtime, Harry is finishing up some computer work and will go beddie-bye before long. Guess it's time for this old gal to wind down the day. Night-night to everyone.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Facing Reality and Laughing
Many years ago the occasion arose that I needed to learn to use a stop watch in order to time line workers. I practiced by timing every chore that I did around the house. It's an experience that I didn't enjoy and had forgotten about until I found my practice sheets among some old school papers. In 1985 I could strip a bed, put on clean sheets and pillowcases, and totally dress the bed in 8 minutes 15 seconds. Today, just for comparison, I timed myself putting on a bottom sheet, top sheet, and 3 pillow cases. Just under 14 minutes. A cleaning service seems to be my solution - at least for the next two or three months. As a side note: Those times, recorded so long ago, are in the trash. No reason to beat myself up. I'm not a young chick anymore.
I hope I don't sound depressed because I'm certainly not. As a matter of fact, I'm feeling better every day. I had Jesse with me yesterday afternoon and James will be here tomorrow. I love having playmates. We can giggle and plan the next school year which begins next Monday morning.
The new picture (above) was made yesterday. It's a Yellow Leather soft coral which grows in Fiji. It's my current favorite coral and its home is my reef tank.
That's it for now. Hope everyone is enjoying a peaceful evening.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Dog Days of Summer
I haven't mentioned our reefs for a while. The new set-ups are fully operational. Harry's are doing great and my smaller reef is coming along. Harry's reefs are high-end coral that grow for really experienced reef keepers. My reef has smaller, easier to grow 'stuff' which is as it should be. I have to admit that I do little to care for my tank because all the new tanks are connected to the same water/filtration system which Harry maintains. I'll try to make new pictures and post them later in the week.
Nothing new and exciting in our world. Harry and I have settled into a daily routine that's quiet and slow - for the most part. I have cabin fever - better days are ahead, though, and we're looking forward to making them more interesting. To that end, I believe it's time for me to move away from this keyboard and get into the day's routine.
I hope everyone is having a good day. Do one fun thing or have a big belly laugh today. And when you do, think of me. My best to everyone.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
It's Been A While . .
Of course the kids came from third place to win the race!
Speaking of James and Jesse. How do you think two fine young men would solve a neighbor's problem with a loud tree frog? Bottom line: Everyone involved is lucky the boys had an environment kit that was tree frog friendly. They even caught a cricket for the frog's dinner. They brought it to show Nana and Papa what a tree frog looks like and explain that the little pads on his feet were there to let him stick to whatever he lands on. Nana is extremely thankful that there was no occasion to witness the jumping and sticking.That's all for now. If anyone stops by - thanks for remembering me and my crazy blog.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Out of the Fryin' Pan
However: Out of the fryin' and and into the fire. Seems to be my story. Late in the day after my appointment (above) I began having hard pain - the first during this whole situation. Shortly after I felt that the top I was wearing was wet and sticky. Sparing the details, enough fluid built up to open part of the incision from the second surgery and pour out. Pour is the key word here. Harry was able to contact the surgeon's office and we were met there about 20 minutes later. They extracted even more fluid, wicked the site, patched me up, and prescribed more antibiotics. Harry opted to be instructed on how to change the dressings and wick over the weekend rather than have home health care come to our house. I'll be back in the surgeon's office on Monday morning to evaluate progress.
This wonderful man who I'm privileged to share my life with has gone above and beyond to take care of me. He makes sure I have home cooked meals, keeps the house going, never lets me go very long without checking to be sure I'm OK and don't need anything. Now, this man who almost faints at the sight of blood, has managed to take care of a really nasty situation with confidence. He is gentle yet firm about what needs to be done. Along with my children (my daughters-in-law and son-in-law included) Harry is truly a gift of God. I can only hope and pray that I am worthy.
This is just a bump in the road to full closure of this chapter in my life. Maybe God's purpose was to show me the meaning of honest deep love. I'm humbled.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Jesse came to play with me yesterday and James will be here tomorrow. It's the highlight of my week to have the boys here. Since I've been a bit under the weather I'm home most of the time. The boys keep me up to date their progress in both swimming and music. We watch Netflix On Demand movies and play Noggin games. I've been reintroduced to Scooby-Do, Batman, Looney Tunes, Bugs Bunny, and Transformers (kids versions) just to name a few.
Harry is a busy, busy fellow these days. He waits on me hand and foot. I can't tell you how much it means to me that he and the children are so supportive. I've also been contacted by long time friends that I haven't heard from in years. Blessings are delivered in unexpected ways. I'm thankful for everything and everyone.
My appointment with my surgeon went well yesterday. The new margins are clear. Next step is a visit to my medical oncologist (tomorrow) and another to the radiation oncologist (23 July). One thing is for sure and certain - I've been scrutinized, examined, and probed. I have to say that I'm pleased with my medical team - I just never knew it include so many medical experts.
Well, folks, I believe it's time to watch the reefs for awhile. They are always moving and I can spend time just enjoying the coming and going of the reef critters.
My best to all along with thanks for your concern and prayers.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Out For Dinner
Last evening was "Nana's Night Out." (It just wore me out but was worth the effort and all I have to do here at home is rest and wait.) We - includes all local kids - went to a casual steak house for a fun dinner. It was just what I needed to clear my mind. We ate peanuts, appetizers, salads, steaks - well most of us ate steaks. James had a big dilemma - steak or mac 'n cheese. The steak lost out but he did clean up his Caesar salad. James and Jesse are model citizens when we eat out - credit to parents for helping the boys learn restaurant manners. Harry took his camera and we made lots of pictures. I didn't realize how bad I look until I saw them.
I'm going to try to upload a video of a few of the pics from last evening. If they don't load, I'll try again sometime.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Another Long Day
Today is our 9th anniversary. We met on Oct 23, 1998 and were married on 1 July 2000. Harry said it was a good time for a wedding because he’d always be able to remember our anniversary. We both forgot until this morning when the reminder came up on my computer calendar. We are just sliding through the day with smiles for each other and lots of “I love you’s.” We’re old farts – what can I say.
Today was also the day I went for a full discussion with my surgeon regarding my lab reports. The lymph nodes are clear. However there is a problem with the tissue margin that removed the tumor. So – hi-ho, hi-ho, it’s back to surgery I go. Dang it this really messes up my plans. This surgery will be to remove a wider margin and also take a shallow part of muscle. We knew this cancer was deep and near the chest wall so no surprises there.
I have to admit that I’m a bit depressed today. By tomorrow I’ll have my attitude adjustment in place and be ready to move on. I’m still a very blessed and lucky old gal. I’ll post again soon. If it’s a couple of days don’t think that I’ve gone into a major slump. That just ain’t me.
I truly appreciate everyone’s concern and prayers.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Half of Report
I'm really, really tired this evening. Thanks for caring. Will try to post a better blog tomorrow.
Hugs to everyone along with loving thoughts
Monday, June 29, 2009
Monday and No Lab Report
I can't believe how good I feel today. I'm sore and don't have a truck load of energy but I don't feel drained either. There was a breeze here this morning and I sat outside in my favorite lawn chair and just enjoyed the fresh air.
Harry worked all day long getting the back yard back into shape. He trimmed bushes, shrubs, pulled weeds, and all the other stuff that goes into a major cleanup. Our back yard hasn't had much attention this summer. I knew he was just worn out and I didn't feel like I had enough energy to cook so I took him out to our favorite Mexican restaurant. It's close to the house and we went before the evening crowd. Now we're both really tired - and full, too. I didn't eat any really spicy food so I think I'll be OK.
We didn't cook yesterday, either. The kids did come by and spend some time and it felt good to get those little hugs and kisses - and the big ones, too, for that matter. No matter what I'm still the luckiest old gal in the whole wide world.
Rest time. My best to everyone.
Friday, June 26, 2009
A Million Thanks to My Family and Friends
Have I ever told all of you how much you mean to me and my recovery? Well let me tell you now. I'm positive that your prayers and well wishes were heard and helped to assure a good report for me. As Harry said the cancer was removed via a lumpectomy and the mass in the right breast (benign) was also removed. The sentinel lymph node at my left arm was also removed and appeared clear. We will have the final report on the node and the margin on the tissue containing the cancer either late Monday or early Tuesday.
I'm tired but relatively pain free. Meds take care of that. I am beginning to get little messages from the "Kingdom of the Lymph" I understand that may be with me for a while. Aggravating but small stuff when compared to what might have been.
Harry is a good nurse. I think I'll keep him - after all I do love him.
It's back to bed for me. Again thank you all a million times over for your concern, prayers, and support.
Mary Ruth
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Progress Report on Mary Ruth
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Day Before Tomorrow
I'm tired beyond belief but I'm not in pain and I'm not depressed. I see no reason to 'awfulize' (a term I picked up from someone I used to work with) this situation. It will pass.
I asked Harry to please post for me following surgery. He decided he'd like to make his blog a comment to my post because he already knows how to do that. So, for the folks that follow my blog: You should see a comment to this post sometime tomorrow evening.
I probably won't post again until after my adventure into surgery but I will be back. I just bet that I'll have stories to tell!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Time Moves Slowly When I'm Waiting
Sunday gathering happened today and both out of town kids called to wish Harry a happy Father's Day and to ask how I'm doing. It was really good to hear from them and know they are doing well. The little fellows were really sweet to Papa (Harry) and brought him golf tees and a six pack of "adult beverage" (beer). He also has a gift card for his favorite steak house. All in all it was a good day. Oh I forgot to say that Harry cooked a wonderful meal today. James said that Papa's baked chicken breast was the best ever! Jesse's plate spoke for him.
Soul tagged me for this MEME. Here it is:
What makes me happy are these twelve things:
1) Time spent playing and talking with my grandchildren
2) Knowing that I have a loving husband who I love dearly
3) A clean house would make me happy if I had one
4) The quiet time when I can breathe deep and center myself
5) The love and support I feel from my family and friends
6) The smell of fresh air after a rain
7) The open road that leads to new and interesting places
8) Listening to a whippoorwill (Do you know what that is?)
9) Reading a good book
10) Sunsets on the beach
11) Mountain Streams
12) You, my blogging friends, make me very happy
I'm not going to tag anyone but I'd be interested in hearing what makes you happy.
Friday, June 19, 2009
The Latest Scoop
I've been scanned, x-rayed, needled, taped, interviewed (at least 50 times), filled out reams of forms - even told the truth on most of them - and met lots of new folks. I have a team. They are all there to take care of me and I intend to keep them busy. So has been my world for the past week. On Monday I have pre-surgery lab work. If the latest (today's) MRI is considered "OK" - by whom I don't know - surgery will be on Thursday, June 25.
Best case is that I'll have four weeks to heal followed by 35 radiation treatments over a 7 week period. No Chemo involved. If there are "bad cells" in nodes, I'll have chemo followed by radiation. I am just rejecting the idea that there will be "bad cells" and am counting about 12 weeks until this is all a memory. I'm sure some of the memories will be bad but a lot will be good. I'll hold the good memories and release the bad. Meantime, I'm tired. I'm headed for the couch and a nap while Harry cooks.
My best to one and all
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
News From My House
I didn’t avoid or delay my mammograms. A routine, scheduled appointment found that I have a small infiltrating carcinoma in one breast and a benign papillary lesion in the other. I’m lucky that the problems were found early. The carcinoma (cancer) is small and we hope well contained. At this point my surgeon hopes to remove the mass and check lymph nodes to be sure they are clear. The final decision will be made when the margins of the mass are examined as well as the lymph node. I don’t look forward the necessary follow-up treatments but I’ll do whatever is necessary.
I have a PET scan scheduled for later this week and following that final decisions will be made and time tables set. I’m ready to get on with this process, get it over with, and move on to something more pleasant. After all, folks, I'm holding Harry's IOU for a trip.
I’m in good spirits as is the rest of the family. My life isn’t on hold. As a matter of fact I was told that the test for cancer was a definite positive on Friday. We had James and Jesse for a sleepover that night. It was a big night of movies, snacks, giggles, tickles, story telling, and after midnight a good night’s sleep. Jesse explained that he wanted to stay up all night and that midnight is the end of the night because after that it’s a.m. and that means morning. Children’s logic continues to amaze me.
Please include me in your prayers, if you are inclined to pray. If not, think good thoughts for me. I truly feel that the outcome of all this will be positive. I intend to do all I can to make it so.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Just a Small Bump in the Highway of Life
We truly are living a blessed life. But even among the blessings there are issues that have to be dealt with. Those things promise to take most of my time and energy for the next two or three weeks. Yes, I'm in the process of having a health problem evaluated and plans made to deal with it. One of my symptoms is being completely washed-out tired. Some days it's just too much effort to move from room to room. Other days I feel almost normal. I have an excellent medical team. I'm in good spirits and not depressed.
In order to use the little energy that I have to my best advantage I'm taking a break from this blog. I'll continue to read and probably comment from time to time. Also, when I have a firm diagnosis I will post here. I'll remember each of my blog friends and picture you having a wonderful summer with friends and family. Hey, take dream vacations and post about them so I can enjoy with you.
My best to everyone
Mary Ruth
Sunday, May 24, 2009
The Sun is Back in Sunday
Yesterday we drove to a little town in Tennessee (Lawrenceburg) about 75 miles from our house. We visited another reef enthusiast along with other members of the North Alabama Reef Club (NARC). It was a fun day but both Harry and I were pooped by the time we got back home. I was surprised that there wasn't more traffic since it is a holiday weekend.
Isn't it shocking at just how "out of line" a kitchen can get if you skip a day of cleaning? Yuck!! Guess what I did this morning. The kitchen is finally ready for cooking - if you don't look too closely, that is. Problem is: I just don't want to cook. I think today is a good day to have order in pizza, hot wings, and salad. I have cheesecake to provide any extra calories anyone might need. This menu will make the kids happy and make Harry groan. Oh well - that's the way the cookie crumbles. I'll make it up to him tomorrow.
My best to all my blog friends. Thanks for stopping by. Hope the day is a happy one for you. Hugs to everyone - Mary Ruth
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Long Time - No Post . . .
I've been a bit under the weather for several days, too. I can't explain how tired I am for absolutely no reason. Anemia and a couple of other maladies have been ruled out. My doctor scheduled more tests for next week. Time will tell about all that but for now I'm just saying that I'm lazy - extremely lazy.
Harry played golf today for the first time in months. I went with him and rode in the cart. (Even that made me tired.) It was good to be outside in the sunshine and pleasant breeze.
As you can see - nothing is happening here. I hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to a fun weekend.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Here's a few pics of the new setup. I didn't include pics of the 100 gallon sump/filter, the calcium reactor, or the various lights, and timers. Just too much info and not interesting to anyone anyway.
Everything is in place in the new reef. Fish, coral, and critters seem to be content. It takes several days for things to settle in and the water to get crystal clear again. Pictures of the finished project will have to wait until then.
I have to extend my sincere thanks to Brad at Kuboto Farm for supporting me in my selection of new heat/air conditioning systems for the room. Brad, you're a true friend - Harry and I appreciate the time you and Jay took to give us your opinion of the Carrier ductless system. The local Carrier dealer will be here Wednesday morning to install.
Enough time blogging for today. When Jesse is out of school today we are going to buy 'summer shoes'. Have I mentioned that I claim the boys' sue buying - I love it!!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Title?? What Title?
My kids blessed me with remembrances today. The local children presented me with beautiful roses, gift certificate to my favorite steak house, special coffees, beautiful cards, and extra special hugs and kisses. Buddy, who is now in Wisconsin, called and told me he loves me. What more could an old woman wish for? The little ones, James and Jesse, each made the most artistic and sweet cards I've ever gotten. I only wish my scanner was working as it should so I could share them with you.
My computer must be jealous of my good day because it is behaving badly. I'm using the laptop to post. I really don't like to type on this keyboard. I surely hope everything gets back to a degree of normalcy (correct usage??) really soon.
I hope to soon be able to spend a good bit of time catching up with everyone and sharing some of my adventures. The last few weeks have been interesting to say the least.
Take care and have a great week. My best to everyone.......
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Once Upon a Time There Was a Rose . .
I hope each of you is well and looking forward to a happy weekend in a couple of days. My best to my blog friends.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Now the Real Work Begins
Swine Flu has come to town. Schools in both city and county are closed tomorrow. We've been so busy with our noses to the grind stone that we didn't know the Flu was closer than Mexico. Says a lot about us doesn't it?
Be safe and try to avoid this outbreak.
P.S. Tee, We move the water with syphon hose and tubs. Water is syphoned into tubs to provide holding tanks for the livestock. When substrate and live rock is transferred we wait for the filtration system to clear the water and then move the livestock (coral, fish, snails, crabs, and various other critters) to the new system. Then the holding water (salt water) is a good tool to prevent greenery from growing in places where it shouldn't.
Brad, Nope nothing can cover the old tank and cabinet. It's 6 feet long, 32 inches from the wall to front, and almost 6 feet tall. It's not pretty. It couldn't even be classified as shabby chic.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Hello to Everyone
Unfortunately, the work doesn't end there. There's still the damaged 225 gal tank, stand, and hood to have removed from the house. Then the painting, redecorating, and cussing (by me) will start. Oh dear me, when will it all end?
Do you remember that I received a cutting of the rose that bloomed in the horrible wreckage from New Orleans' Katrina disaster? The plant has almost covered the trellis that Harry built for it. It is beginning to bloom. Below is the first rose for this year. The flowers produced by this plant are so delicate and sweet - no wonder our maker chose this plant to spread hope in a storm ravaged city.
I hope to catch up reading about the things happening in my blogging friends' lives in the next day or two. Gee Whiz, I hope everyone hasn't forgotten me.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down
On the bright side; Mark Martin won his first NASCAR race in 97 starts and Tony came in second. Tony has certainly matured - in a good way - in the past year or so.
That's my world. Tell me about yours.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Followed by Storms
We had a fierce storm last night starting around 11 p.m. and lasting until 4 a.m. I can't remember when we had a storm like this. We have no damage at our house but there are damaged homes on our street. About two miles away, where Keith and family lives, there was more damage. Their house is OK but their long privacy fence is down and there is a lot of cleanup to be done all around. We're just thankful that there were no deaths.
Work is on-going to ready the new tanks for population with live coral. We should be able to have them in operation by the first of next week but it'll be three or four weeks after that before the chemistry is balanced and the tanks ready to cruise on their own.
It's back to the grind for me. Thanks for stopping by. My best to everyone.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Status of Our World
The three new reef tanks, cabinets, and hoods are now in place. There is still a lot to do before they are ready for livestock (coral, invertebrates, fish) but at least we have control over when and how tasks are completed. I can hardly wait for everything to be completed so I can, at last, commence getting the rest of the house is a semblance of order.
Our kitty, Zennia, is both interested and cautious about the new "goings-on" around here. It's amusing to watch her explore with caution. We're not sure she is pleased with the whole operation.
As you can tell, I don't have much to blog about. When you are tied to one thing for several days/weeks it's not easy to think of new - much less - interesting things to write. I do visit blogs and occasionally comment. I think of all my blog friends and want them to all be healthy, happy, and ready to enjoy the coming warmer months. Later . . . .
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Note From "Ain't Nothin' Happ'ninville"
Absolutely no progress is being made towards completion of the reef tank project. The fellow who is building the tanks and cabinets is a true craftsman but he has no idea how to schedule projects or meet deadlines. I can say that the price is right and we appreciate that. Reef tanks are expensive to set up, balance water quality, and populate. Harry is an expert so none of that falls under my job description. Meantime, we're living in what is close to bedlam. Funny how it no longer bothers me. Never did seem to rattle Harry - men, you know.
On another note: I decided to buy a couple of Vera purses, wallets, and a tote. I've been carrying the old leather coach bags, etc., left over from when I was a career gal. They were appropriate then but I'm ready for fun "stuff." I selected two separate patterns: Caffe Latte and Yellow Bird. (Not planning to use them together.) Silly, I know, but darn it all anyway - I'm tired of the heavy leather no matter how nice or practical. I plan to spring the new look on the kids this weekend. They'll think Nana has lost her ever lovin' mind.
I have a chicken pot pie in the oven for dinner. That and a salad will suffice this evening. If storms come and kill the electricity, this family will have a good meal. I really don't think that'll happen - but just in case. This mind set is what happens when you live ten years in the mountains and have to consider blizzards from late fall to mid spring. Old habits die hard.
Time to close and find a comfy place to read and wait for dinner time. If you like our menu this evening, I wish you could join us. Have a safe and happy evening.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Hello World! Are You Still There?
The show here is ongoing. A bit of progress has been made but we still haven't made a dent in the overall job. Everything I start to do has to wait until something else is done. It's a never ending circle. What a ride!!
My computer is now sitting in front of one of the sunroom windows. I can see the back yard alive with squirrels, birds, a bunny, and - (oh no, weeds!!) - trees almost leafed out. I have a lawn care company scheduled to make the front borders summer ready. It's a big help to have that done for me. I will have to complete the planting (as I planned) to finally have everything in ground.
I've been walking around the house making decisions about which things I'll keep and which will have to find new loving homes. A couple of items have been adopted and I'm so very thankful for that. Every little thing that is eliminated counts towards a successful finish.
In the midst of all the activity, I'm having a flare with my hip, knee, and hand. Uncle Arthur does love old injuries and visits on a regular basis. He's a hateful old coot! Doesn't he realize that I'm too busy to entertain him? I hope he leaves before I have to throw steroids at him.
As you can tell, I'm more than a bit out of sync. I still remember and appreciate all my blogging friends and the potential for new friends, as well. Don't forget me and visit again when you have time.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Moonlight Through Fog
Moonlight over the side fence. The big tree in this pic is in our neighbor's yard.
Note From the Old Folks
Yesterday we helped Buddy, Sarah and her parents load the moving truck. Well, Harry really worked and I just got in the way. The truck loaded well and they balanced it evenly so it would be easier to drive. The trip will take three days - Sarah's parents are following - they are doing short driving days. It was a sad time when Harry and I had to leave - there were tears all around. We are happy for them because it seems that the opportunities for them are better there but it's sad to see them go. They are going to have some cold winters complete with lots of ice and snow. Wisconsin is a big change!
The changes at our house are now going to have to be shifted to high gear. Time is running out and we have to be ready for the new reef tanks by Monday - well the cabinets are scheduled to be here on Monday. The suppliers will bring the bottom part of the cabinets. set them up and trim them out in place. Then in the next few days bring the tanks and hoods. The company will set the tanks. Harry will mount the lights and he and I will set the hoods. That's just the simple version. The actual version could go on for pages and pages. I'll spare you that.
As a matter of fact, I intend to quit ranting about all the things we are trying to accomplish in this old house. It's boring reading and my mind needs a rest from the daunting tasks. I hope I can think of something else - something happier - to blog about.
Now on with the day. It's Friday! Plan - and do - something fun for the weekend.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Update Regarding Sunday Gathering Day
For the past several years I've been basking in the joy of having a big family with lots of laughter and action. Sundays will continue to be gathering day with two of our sons and families. However, changes are in the works. Buddy, Sarah, and Mav won't be here. They are moving to Wisconsin to be close to Sarah's parents. She is homesick so they are making this move work for them. Wisconsin is a bit far for routine Sunday trips. Judy, Rick, and Maddie have bought a home in Phoenix. Phoenix is a bit far for routine Sunday trips. We've enjoyed the past few years but we know that all the children have to live their own lives. All we can do is wish them well and love them.
Keith and Joe if the two of you decide to pick up home and family and move away Harry and I are going to really feel like no one loves us. Nothing like a guilt trip - nothing like a mother to apply that guilt trip.
Bottom line to all this - besides feeling sad - is that we no longer need as much room for our Sunday antics. I'm going to re-arrange the house so that I'm not looking at empty space with no one to fill it. This means that, in addition to preparing for the new reef tanks, there will be lots of moving and re-purposing of space going on in this house. It will keep me busy.
Life as we know it can change in a heartbeat. Think about that and never miss the chance to tell your family and friends that you love them - if you do. With that I send love and friendship to my blogging friends and family.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Rain - Drizzle - Cold
I'm developing a realy sore throat, headache, and chills. I really feel crapy so I think I'm just going to find a place to curl up and wait this bug out. Other than this, our world is stable. I hope my blogging friends have pleasant weekends. Stay safe.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Play Day - A Date With Mav
Our whole house looks like this - boxes everywhere. Almost nothing where it should be - total confusion. In a month or two a bit of order may return - or not. The new reef tanks are due for delivery March 21. Has anyone seen my turkey baster? How about the kitchen shears?
I'm outta here. My best to all.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
No Title Comes to Mind
Everyone probably knows about the web site below. I'm passing it on just in case some one might be interested and not have this information. So far as I can tell, it isn't slanted towards any political views - just a statement of allocation to each state by projected project. Don't expect me to comment in any way - I do not do politics!
Tomorrow begins a new work week for most of you and for those who, like us, are retired another week of "what do I have to do today?" We have a lot on our plates and must make haste to be ready for the new reef tanks.
Enjoy as much as you can and let the other stuff go. My best to everyone.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Saturday Night in Old Folk's Country
I have to admit that I don't remember exactly what I've written about for the last couple of weeks but if I've written this before - I'm writin' it again. (old folks do tend to repeat themselves) With the closing of the old 225 gallon reef (because of potential complete seam failure) and the replacement reef being built, several things in our house will be rearranged/re-purposed/redecorated. It's a BIG job and will be stressful for a long time but this is the absolute last time I'll ever do this. Another journey in the life of an adventurer has begun.
We're having spring like weather but by mid week the tide will turn and cold weather will drift back. At least that's what the weather dude tells us. I know some of you are really suffering with the snow, ice, and cold. Here, in my neck-o-th-woods, winter is just a minor inconvenience.
Tomorrow is our gathering day. Buddy, Sarah, and Mav are driving to Nashville to visit with family so we won't have a baby to play with. I'm sure James and Jesse will be happy to tell us all about their week and show us a few things they've learned - maybe ask a few questions, too. I love it!! It'll be nice to see the grown up kids as well. I haven't decided on a menu but I'm toying with the idea of having our meal brought in. I'm truly tired but look forward to the diversion and change of pace that the kids bring. I look forward to their visit all week. Wish you could be here to join the fun - always room for one or two more.
I'm going to bed as soon as I publish this post. Don't forget to "Spring Forward." Goodnight.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
S N O W in the South
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Might As Well Laugh
Short version - picture this. Harry is the chosen one to have the pleasure of the first shower in the newer version of our master bath. He turns on the water, undresses, checks the water temp, seems fine, steps in - then it happens - the water is cold. Jump back! Adjust the water, feels fine, steps forward - super hot - jump out of shower and yell. Does that paint a picture? It seems that something went wrong in the installation and the gizmo that mixes the water is not functioning properly. Those are my words - I don't dare print Harry's words or I'd be put in blogland exile. Plumbers will be here Monday to correct the problem. I'm so tired of this mess that I could see the beauty of a galvanized tub on the screen porch. Only old folks will understand that comment.
Sarah and Baby Mav are sick with a flu-like bug. Both have seen the doctor and are on meds. I went out there this afternoon to be with Mav while Sarah got a much needed nap. At least I was out of the house for a while. Mav is a bit fussy but still a little treasure. I enjoyed my time with him.
All is well on the home front other than all the above and the stress of taking care of a badly failed reef tank and all the related clutter.
Now I'm going to bed before I find myself asleep with my face in the keyboard. Good Night to all.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Update on the Construction Site
The big thing is that the new tanks will be in the sun room on tile floors. No more worry about the hardwood floors or the rugs. This is going to dictate that most rooms in the house will be re-arranged. Too much to try to write about. The bathroom is ready for cleanup except that the hinges for the vanity doors are on backorder. Reattaching the doors is a snap and will take less than an hour.
I'd forgotten how much I enjoy the type of work I've been doing so don't feel sorry for me. I will try to post every day or two and will certainly use my rest breaks to have another cuppa coffee and keep up with the activities of my blogging friends.
Stay safe and be happy.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Here In The Real World
Friday, February 20, 2009
Where I Live
1) I finally have everything under control on my project . . and
2) Harry's frag tank (for baby coral) was delivered and is really pretty . . but
3) It's a lot of work to get a new tank plumbed, wired, balanced, and into service . . and
4) Last night (Thursday night) the 225 gallon tank's two top braces came loose . . but
5) It didn't give way, break, or leak . . and
6) Today we had to get clamps to keep pressure on the sides until a solution can be found.
Besides all this Jesse is pretty sick with whatever over half of his class - and his teacher - have had. Mary's fibromyalga (spelling?) is flaring. I'm having pain related to an old injury and am on meds again. Harry is ready to run in circles and say bad words - no wait, I think he already did that. I need a big Margarita but I'll be happy with a good night's sleep instead.
Nothing's happening to cause long term problems but the present surely is a jumbled mess. How's the world treating you?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Hello, My Friends . .Hello
A lot of last week was devoted to NASCAR. As usual, it'll take me half of the season to relearn who is driving which car and who is being the biggest jerk this year. The big race on Sunday was a let down. The only good thing was that a fellow who had never won Daytona was declared the winner since he was out front when rain ended the race. Maybe this isn't the prediction of things to come this season.
All the kids were here Sunday afternoon except for Mary. She stayed home to nurse a major cold/flu. Dinner was roast beef, new potatoes, corn on the cob, slaw, and carmel pound cake. I sent left overs home with kids and a special serving for Mary. I hope she felt like eating a little. Of course, everyone was watching the race. James and Jesse have race video games and love racing. Mav is still too young to notice the race very much but he surely does know how to laugh and play with his toys.
Harry's new frag (baby coral) tank was delivered on Saturday. The next project will be to get it set up and in operation. I won't have a lot to do on that project. I'm the bathroom contractor - Harry manages the reefs.
I may not post much and comment only a little, but I do think of you, my peeps, every day and picture you having much to smile about.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
In a "Wait" Situation
Ricky surprised me with a series of pictures that he shot while on a business trip. I'm posting one because I think it's so interesting. The picture is taken from Corona, CA, with Mt Baldy (tops at 10,500 ft) as the subject. I was taken with the palm trees backed by snow. Isn't Mother Nature wonderful? Ricky, I enjoy your sharing pictures with me. Thank you.
Ricky, I'm also posting a picture (below) of the painting your mother did. I decided it needed a more important frame. What do you think. This painting means more to me than words can tell. Thank you so much.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Can Spring be Far Away . . .

